
Hi! My name is Jin Wang. I am a third-year Ph. D. student in Bioengineering and Robotics at Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), advised by Nikos Tsagarakis as part of the Humanoids and Human Centered Mechatronics (HHCM) lab. My research interests lie in robot learning, humanoids and embodied AI. More specifically, I’m focusing on autonomous robotic loco-manipulation, integrating foundation models into robot tasks and improving autonomy through learning.

I am deeply committed to cross-disciplinary teamwork, leveraging engineering mindsets to address real-world challenges. And I’m passionate about novel robotic design and exploring the intelligence and potential value of robots.

Previously, I was a Master student in Robotics at LIRMM CNRS, France. I received my B.A. in Robotics Union Academy Guangdong-HongKong at GDUT.

News 📰

  • [Nov, 2024] One paper accepted by WCBM Workshop at CoRL 2024. 📃
  • [Oct, 2024] Invited talks by ZHIDX Frontiers of Embodied AI Lecture. 💬
  • [Sep, 2024] HYPERmotion is accepted by CoRL 2024. 🎉
  • [Aug, 2024] One paper accepted by ICRA@40. 📃
  • [Jul, 2024] One paper accepted by IROS 2024 for an oral presentation. ✨
  • [Jul, 2023] Summer school ‘Learning-based MPC’ at ETHz 🚡


RoboNurse-VLA: Robotic Scrub Nurse System based on Vision-Language-Action
Shunlei Li, Jin Wang, Rui Dai, Wanyu Ma, Wing Yin Ng, Yingbai Hu, Zheng Li

webpage | pdf | arXiv | code | video

HYPERmotion: Learning Hybrid Behavior Planning for Autonomous Loco-manipulation
Jin Wang, Rui Dai, Weijie Wang, Luca Rossini, Francesco Ruscelli, Nikos Tsagarakis
8th Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL 2024)

webpage | pdf | arXiv | code | video

Autonomous Behavior Planning For Humanoid Loco-manipulation Through Grounded Language Model
Jin Wang, Arturo Laurenzi, Nikos Tsagarakis
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2024)

pdf | arXiv | code | video

Grounding Language Models in Autonomous Loco-manipulation Tasks
Jin Wang, Nikos Tsagarakis
International Conference on Robotics and AutomationICRA@40

pdf | arXiv |
